BigData – My BigDataApi
I have updated my python Api for managing Hortonworks Ambari and Ranger with their API.
Here is the GitHub repository
Here is an example with the Sandbox to create a policy for HDFS with the Api
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ambari import AmbariApi from ranger import RangerApi if __name__ == '__main__': rangerApi = RangerApi("http", "", "6080", "basic") rangerApi.setCredentialsBasic("raj_ops", "raj_ops") result = rangerApi.postCreatePolicy(policyTemplateType = "hdfs", serviceName = "Sandbox_hadoop", policyName = "lake_test", description = "policy for the lake test", resources = ["/lake/test","/lake/data"], isRecursive = False, users = ["it1"], groups = [], accesses = "r-x") print(rangerApi)
The same for creating a Hive policy
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ambari import AmbariApi from ranger import RangerApi if __name__ == '__main__': rangerApi = RangerApi("http", "", "6080", "basic") rangerApi.setCredentialsBasic("raj_ops", "raj_ops") result = rangerApi.postCreatePolicy(policyTemplateType = "hive", serviceName = "Sandbox_hive", policyName = "hive_test", description = "policy for the hive test", resources = {"column":{"isExcludes":"false","value":["*"]},"table":{"isExcludes":"false","value":["j*","d*"]},"database":{"isExcludes":"false","value":["*"]}}, users = ["it1"], groups = [], accesses = ["select","update","create","drop","alter","index","lock","all","read","write"]) print(rangerApi)
Feel free to give me feedback.
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